Automated image acquisition
How to generate pipelines for automated image acquisition on fixed samples using the JOB module of the NIS Element software
Automated image analysis
How to generate pipelines for automated image analysis using the General Analysis module of the NIS Element software
Workflow for MCF-10A cells as cell model in 3D assays
Presentazione delle caratteristiche della linea cellulare in saggi 3D e dei protocolli per la formazione di sferioidi ed acini, processamento per immunofluorescenza e analisi delle immagini.
Analisi automatica con il software Cell Profiler
Creazione di una pipeline per la conta di spot intracellulari con il software Cell Profiler e applicazione allo studio dell’autofagia
High-throughput analysis of in vivo cell differentiation by using a machine learning-based approach
Automated analysis of cell differentiation by using a machine learning algorithm on time lapse experiments in living cells